Written by Filip Szadurski, Osgoode Hall Law School, Class of 2020 On October 17, 2018, the…
Student Post
COVID-19Employment RegulationPension BankruptcyStudent Post
The Economic Effects of COVID-19 Could be Devastating for Pensioners Under Canada’s Bankruptcy Laws
by Cole Eisenby Cole EisenWritten by Cole Eisen, University of Toronto Faculty of Law, 3L Once the immediate public health…
Student Author: Written by Sara Tatelman, 3L, University of Toronto Law School It’s more expensive to…
Common Law of EmploymentCOVID-19Student PostWrongful Dismissal
Wrongful Dismissal, the ‘Bardal’ Factors and COVID19
Student Author: Kristy Milland is a second year JD student at the University of Toronto, Faculty…
Employment RegulationStudent PostUnions and Collective Bargaining
Small Funding Opportunity for Students: New Student Blogger Initiative
by David Dooreyby David DooreyCanadian Law of Work Forum recognizes that a lot of students find themselves in a precarious…