The following is a reproduction of an article originally published in Jacobin written by Law of…
Labour Economics
COVID-19Employment RegulationLabour Economics
Relaxing Restrictions on Occupational Licensing as a Response to COVID-19
Written by Morley Gunderson, Tingting Zhang and Rafael Gomez In an earlier post, Dionne Pohler,…
COVID-19Employment RegulationLabour Economics
Targeted Basic Income: An Equitable Policy Response to COVID-19
Written by Dionne Pohler, Kourtney Koebel, and Rafael Gomez, University of Toronto, Marc-Andre Pigeon and Murray…
Charter of Rights and FreedomsComparative Work LawEmployment RegulationGig WorkInternational LawLabour EconomicsScholarshipTransnational LawUnions and Collective Bargaining
Weekend Reading from Canadian Law of Work Forum
by David Dooreyby David DooreyWith no sports or events on, and a recommendation to stay close to home, you might…
Comparative Work LawLabour EconomicsUnions and Collective Bargaining
Holding the Line: Canadian Union Power in International Perspective
by Jim Stanfordby Jim StanfordIt seems like there’s been an upsurge in union activism in Canada in recent months. Big…