[This post is a re-posting of a blog entry originally published on Harvard Law School’s OnLabor…
Common Law of EmploymentCOVID-19Employment RegulationHealth CareHuman RightsWrongful Dismissal
Can Human Rights Law Help Workers Fired for Supporting the Ottawa Insurrection?
by David Dooreyby David DooreyWritten by David Doorey, York University Last week, I considered the possibility that conservative governments in…
COVID-19Employment RegulationHealth and SafetyHealth CareHuman Rights
Will Conservatives Add “Vaccine Status” to Human Rights Legislation?
by David Dooreyby David DooreyWritten by David Doorey, York University Readers of this blog will know that the starting presumption…
COVID-19Employment RegulationHealth and SafetyLabour ArbitrationUnions and Collective Bargaining
COVID Vaccination Policies in the Workplace: How It’s Going So Far
Written by Professor Alison Braley-Rattai, Brock University Between November 9th and the 12th, three arbitration decisions pertaining…
COVID-19Employment RegulationHealth and Safety
The National Basketball Association’s COVID Protocol and the Duty to Maintain a Safe Workplace
by David Dooreyby David DooreyBy David Doorey, York University The National Basketball Association just released its COVID protocols to teams…