By David Doorey, York University A legal strike by TTC employees represented by the Amalgamated Transit…
Labour Arbitration
Collective BargainingFreedom of AssociationLabour ArbitrationNewfoundlandStrikes and LockoutsUnions and Collective BargainingWrongful Dismissal
Is Memorial University Illegally Preventing Workers from Joining Picket Lines?
by David Dooreyby David DooreyWritten by David Doorey, York University You may have heard that more than 800 Â professors at…
Collective BargainingLabour ArbitrationSports LabourUnions and Collective BargainingUnited States
Trevor Bauer Suspension: Professional Sport as a Lens for Studying Labour-Management Relations
by Brad Walchukby Brad WalchukWritten by Brad Walchuk, Staff Rep, CUPE, Local 3906 and Adjunct Professor, Brock University The study…
COVID-19Employment RegulationHealth and SafetyLabour ArbitrationUnions and Collective Bargaining
COVID Vaccination Policies in the Workplace: How It’s Going So Far
Written by Professor Alison Braley-Rattai, Brock University Between November 9th and the 12th, three arbitration decisions pertaining…
Common Law of EmploymentComparative Work LawLabour ArbitrationUnited States
Would Rioting at Canada’s Parliament Building Be Grounds for Dismissal Without Notice?
by David Dooreyby David DooreyWritten by David Doorey, York University Here’s a fun post to open another term of Employment…
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