Written by David Doorey, York University Last week, I considered the possibility that conservative governments in…
Common Law of Employment
Common Law of EmploymentEmployee ClassificationEmployment RegulationGig WorkOLRBOntario
Would the Recommendations in Ontario’s New Report on Work Law Improve Working Conditions for Gig Workers?
by David Dooreyby David DooreyWritten by David Doorey, York University Yesterday, the Ontario government dropped a final report of the…
Collective BargainingCommon Law of EmploymentEmployee ClassificationEmployment RegulationGig WorkHealth and SafetyOLRBtechnology
Uber and Lyft Suspended a Labour Activist from the App. Is this Lawful?
by David Dooreyby David DooreyBy David Doorey, York University A gig worker, let’s call her Jane, who also happens to…
Common Law of EmploymentEmployment RegulationOLRBOntario
Ontario’s Bill 27: One Good Law, One Vacuous Law, and One Missing Law
by David Dooreyby David DooreyBy David Doorey, York University The Ontario government introduced Bill 27 this week, which it cutely…
Common Law of EmploymentWrongful Dismissal
The “Changed Substratum Doctrine” in Employment Law
by David Dooreyby David DooreyIn my Employment Law courses, we always discuss a variety of scenarios in which courts decline…