Written by Justine Wong, 3L, University of Ottawa Law The Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) recently…
Health and Safety
COVID-19Health and SafetyHealth CareStudent PostUnions and Collective BargainingWomen and Work
Calling the Shots: Is Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination a Permissible Condition of Employment for Healthcare Workers?
by Justin Choyby Justin ChoyWritten by Justin Choy, 3L, Western Law Ontario is in Phase 1 of its distribution of…
Collective BargainingCOVID-19Health and SafetyHealth CareLabour ArbitrationOntarioPrivacyUnions and Collective Bargaining
Arbitrator: Employees Must Get Swabbed for COVID
by Dave Wakelyby Dave WakelyWritten by David Wakely In a recent case between Caressant Care Nursing & Retirement Home and CLAC, Arbitrator…
Comparative Work LawCOVID-19Employee ClassificationEmployment RegulationGig WorkHealth and SafetyStrikes and LockoutsTransnational LawUnions and Collective BargainingUnited States
What Could Biden’s Labor Secretary Do?
by Barry Eidlinby Barry EidlinWritten by Barry Eidlin, McGill University With Joe Biden now declared the victor of the 2020…
AlbertaCOVID-19Employment RegulationHealth and Safety
Alberta Government Continues Rollback of Worker Protections
by Jason Fosterby Jason FosterWritten by Professors Jason Foster and Bob Barnetson, Athabasca University Last week the Alberta UCP government…