By Professor Bethany Hastie, University of British Columbia Amidst collective bargaining negotiations in early 2024, transit…
Freedom of Association
Collective BargainingFreedom of AssociationInterest ArbitrationOntarioStrikes and LockoutsSupreme Court of CanadaUnions and Collective Bargaining
How Will the York Strike End (2024 Edition)?
by David Dooreyby David DooreyBy David Doorey, York University Almost six years ago this week (on March 13, 2018 to…
Collective BargainingFreedom of AssociationInterest ArbitrationPublic SectorStrikes and LockoutsUnions and Collective Bargaining
On York Strikes and Interest Arbitration
by David Dooreyby David DooreyBy David Doorey, York University The latest CUPE 3093 strike by part-time instructors at York has…
Charter of Rights and FreedomsCollective BargainingFreedom of AssociationOntarioPublic SectorStrikes and LockoutsSupreme Court of CanadaUnions and Collective Bargaining
Video: A Primer on the Law of Picketing in Canada
by David Dooreyby David DooreyBy David Doorey, York University You may have heard that a strike just commenced at York…
Collective BargainingComparative Work LawFreedom of AssociationStrikes and LockoutsUnions and Collective BargainingUnited States
Doorey’s Essay on Comparative Strike Law on Harvard Law Review
by David Dooreyby David DooreyIf you are looking for some reading on comparative labo(u)r law and the law of strikes…